Author Archives: sa_admin


Tremend enters the 2018 Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in Europe
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Tremend enters the 2018 Inc. 5000 list of the fastest-growing private companies in Europe

Tremend joins for the second consecutive year the Inc. 5000 ranking. The American magazine gathers the fastest-growing private companies in the region, based on three-year revenue growth. Over the years, Inc. 5000 honourees have included companies such as Microsoft, Timberland, Vizio, Facebook, Oracle, Moo, Sweden Mobilephones and Cabonline. This year, 98 companies based in Bucharest entered the list. This places Romania’s capital on the 4th...

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05 Mar 2018
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) padlock on european union flag
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GDPR: provocarea anului 2018 pentru Organizațiile din România

Despre GDPR Regulamentul European privind Protecția Datelor (GDPR) stabilește principii și măsuri de protecție a datelor cu caracter personal ale cetăţenilor Uniunii Europene pentru companiile și instituțiile care procesează astfel de date. GDPR reprezintă provocarea organizațiilor publice și private din următoarele luni datorită complexitatii cerințelor introduse. Orice activitate instituțională desfășurată la nivelul Uniunii Europene ce procesează date cu caracter personal cu privire la angajați, clienți...

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05 Mar 2018
Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster este partenerul strategic al  Smart City Urban Projects în perioada 8-11 Martie
in Business Events, News

Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster este partenerul strategic al Smart City Urban Projects în perioada 8-11 Martie

Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster este partener strategic la cel mai mare eveniment din Europa Centrală și de Est, Smart City Urban Projects. Organizat de Asociația Română pentru Smart City și Mobilitate (ARSCM) în parteneriat cu Romexpo, în perioada 08-11 martie 2018, evenimentul va găzdui 20,000 de vizitatori din comunitățile B2B & B2C, iar participanții vor putea interacționa cu cele mai noi tendințe și...

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02 Mar 2018
Cosmin MĂCĂNEAȚĂ, Managing Partner Omega Trust – GDPR is a game changer for all, an evolution the European customers wanted
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Cosmin MĂCĂNEAȚĂ, Managing Partner Omega Trust – GDPR is a game changer for all, an evolution the European customers wanted

14th of February, Bucharest – Omega Trust partnered with Farmexim and organized the first event of 2018 that addressed the GDPR impact. As the GDPR will come in force starting with 25th of May this year, Omega Trust and Farmexim started a series of events that will present to the pharmaceutical industry what does this European Regulation mean and how will it influence the life...

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15 Feb 2018
Tremend consolidates US presence by acquiring 648 Group
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Tremend consolidates US presence by acquiring 648 Group

Tremend, the software engineering partner for leading organizations in 15 countries, finalizes the acquisition of the US-established web and mobile company, 648 Group. After achieving a 331% turnover growth rate between 2013- 2016, and becoming Romania’s fastest growing company in Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE, Tremend consolidates its position in US by acquiring 648 Group. Tremend already has customers in 14 US states and the...

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13 Feb 2018
Spearhead cauta o persoană care să se ocupe de cloud-ul lor. You in?
in News

Spearhead cauta o persoană care să se ocupe de cloud-ul lor. You in?

Cautam un System/DevOps engineer cu experienta si entuziast pentru administrarea cloudului Spearhead. Ca noul nostru coleg, va raspunde de livrarea arhitecturilor IT, solutiilor si suportului tehnic. Daca vrei sa citesti mai multe despre Spearhead, citeste interviul cu Marius PANĂ, CEO Spearhead. Responsabilitati: -24x7x365 suport pentru Spearhead Cloud bazat pe software-ul Joyent Triton, monitorizarea si solutionarea incidentelor si alertelor, dezvoltarea unor verificari/plugins pentru monitorizarea mediului; Cunostinte...

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31 Jan 2018
V I S U A L      S O L U T I O N S
in Business Events


P O W E R F U L  R E A L – T I M E  P E R F O R M A N C E  M A N A G E M E N T Our products empower organizations to better run their business by visualizing critical data and delivering important messaging in real time to drive agents’ productivity. Powered by Inova...

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31 Jan 2018
Tremend estimates a 50% increase for the software engineering centers in Bucharest and Brasov, in 2018
in News

Tremend estimates a 50% increase for the software engineering centers in Bucharest and Brasov, in 2018

The software engineering team will be developing complex solutions for areas such as self-driving cars, banking, and telecom, integrating emerging technologies such as IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning     Tremend, the Romanian company ranked by Deloitte Fast 50 among the fastest growing software engineering organizations in the region, reported a 60% year over year turnover increase in 2017, correlated with a steady growth of...

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30 Jan 2018
Meet the CxO – Marius PANĂ, CEO Spearhead
in Meet the CxO, News

Meet the CxO – Marius PANĂ, CEO Spearhead

A nerd by definition, an american by philosophy, a Romanian by heart, Marius is a  multicultural blend of ideas and values, partly because he lived in USA for half of his life. He sees opportunity where there is not, and has an relentless source of energy when it comes to successfully accomplishing an idea. He identifies himself with the concept of high-performance and lives by...

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19 Jan 2018
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