Author Archives: sa_admin


Meet the CxO – Elena Unciuleanu, CEO Reporting Center
in Meet the CxO, News

Meet the CxO – Elena Unciuleanu, CEO Reporting Center

When you think of our field of work, you rarely see women, especially women that are CEO’s. Elena Unciuleanu has over 10 years of working in programming. Having only 35 years old and with her company being born only 2 years ago, Elena is by far one of most promising young female entrepreneurs in Romania. After she built a team around her vision, she managed...

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15 Sep 2017
Meet the CxO – George Lazăr, CEO Wing Leading Edge
in Meet the CxO, News

Meet the CxO – George Lazăr, CEO Wing Leading Edge

Born in Bucharest, George Lazăr is a 43 years old CEO with an experience that goes back to the beginning of banking industry in Romania. With a passion for computers and technology that first started when he was 14 years old that never actually stopped, combined with pragmatism and prudence, you have a man with a stable vision that besides building visionary apps ahead of...

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05 Sep 2017
„EU” în spațiul cibernetic
in News

„EU” în spațiul cibernetic

GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – este deja în vigoare și se va aplica din Mai 2018, așa cum am încercat să descriu succint în articolul precedent. Impactul GDPR este deja unul fără precedent, însă se pare că micul „EU” este din ce în ce mai fericit pentru că „EU-ul” nostru mai mare, adică „European Union” are gânduri mărețe în a proteja cu adevărat...

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29 Aug 2017
Meet the CxO – Cristi Săvescu, COO mWARE
in Meet the CxO

Meet the CxO – Cristi Săvescu, COO mWARE

Coming from Focșani, Cristi Săvescu is the COO of mWARE. Having 28 years old, he is one of the most promising Romanian entrepreneurs. Soon after he was flunked in math in 6th grade, he discovered a passion for mathematics that didn’t stop, not even today. Now he is a COO for the first company in Romania that took the concept of big data to a new...

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13 Jul 2017
in Smart Business Technology Series

Smart Business Technology Series – Episode 3

One of the biggest concerns for the companies and public institutions that work with personal data is the GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation. This European regulation, issued by the European Union is by far the most complex and exhaustive document released by the European institution and it affects all of the private companies and public institutions that are storing, selling, working with personal data...

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21 Jun 2017
in Smart Business Technology Series

Smart Business Technology Series – Episode 2

On April 5th starting with 12.00 hrs. at Oracle office, four founding members of Smart Alliance: Reporting Center, New Business Dimensions, Wing Leading Edge and Mware Solutions joined forces and presented their solutions built on Oracle technology that address the challenge of IFRS9 for banking.   The Challenge: The January 2018 transition to the new impairment model under IFRS9 is already keeping everyone busy and...

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21 Jun 2017
in Smart Business Technology Series

Smart Business Technology Series – Episode 1

  The first workshop that started the Smart Business Technology Series was held on 28th of March, at Hotel Epoque in Bucharest and the theme was ”The future of Enterprise Data Center Infrastructure in a VR-BOX”. Two of our technological partners present at the event were Lenovo & Nutanix. The workshop detailed the way virtual servers reduce the complexity of the IT infrastructure and accelerates...

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21 Jun 2017
in Business Events

USH Pro Business – The benefits of knowledge sharing from academic to business – February 7, 2017

Unfortunately, lots of businesses in Romania lack the proper academic background that can help you grow your business. That’s why USH Pro Business organized an event especially for managers and the main theme was “How do we interact with the business environment?”. Our President Gabriel Munteanu was one of the main speakers, as its experience of investing in innovation made him one of the most...

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21 Jun 2017
National Corporate Football Championship – March 29, 2016
in Business Events

National Corporate Football Championship – March 29, 2016

Health & wellbeing are two very important concepts in our cluster. If it provides a good network opportunity is even better. That’s what the National Corporate Football Championship is all about. Getting to know each other and provide insights about their personal beliefs and see how well they can adjust to being a team player. Even though it was an amateur’s competition, it was a...

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21 Jun 2017
in Business Events

USH Pro Business – Market Horizons – March 30, 2017

The textile industry can be a booming sector in Romania. Because we are not there yet, the biggest clusters met in a joint event where practical solutions were exchanged. Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster and NOATEX (a textile metacluster) held a joint event and the purpose was to create a bridge between technology and the textile industry. By presenting real solutions to real problems,...

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21 Jun 2017
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