Author Archives: sa_admin


Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster a primit certificarea europeană de acreditare Bronze
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Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster a primit certificarea europeană de acreditare Bronze

Pe 23 Noiembrie, Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster, cel mai mare cluster format doar din companii românești, a primit certificarea Bronze din partea Secretariatului European pentru Analiza Clusterelor (ESCA), o rețea de peste 70 de experți din mai mult de 30 de țări, organizată sub egida Comisiei Europene. Prin această certificare clusterului îi este confirmat stadiul de dezvoltare prin relațiile extrem de bune dintre...

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14 Dec 2017
Meet the CxO – George TUDOR, Managing Partner IT TEAMS
in Meet the CxO, News

Meet the CxO – George TUDOR, Managing Partner IT TEAMS

A Pink Floyd fan, a math geek and a tech enthusiast, George TUDOR is a man of few words but with a high level of understanding regarding of what his employees need. Without his knowledge, he applies the maieutics of Socrates everyday to help his staff become better and reach a higher level of truthfulness to themselves. Because of this, he can make sure that...

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08 Dec 2017 incheie seria de anul acesta a proiectului national  Business rEvolution cu evenimentul de la Targu Mures
in Business Events, News incheie seria de anul acesta a proiectului national Business rEvolution cu evenimentul de la Targu Mures

Mai mult de 120 de antreprenori si reprezentanti ai companiilor cheie din Mures si din judetele invecinate au participat marti, 28 noiembrie 2017, la conferinta Business rEvolution organizata de la Targu Mures, eveniment dedicat digitalizarii, managementului peformant si inovatiei. ,,Suntem pentru a doua oara la Targu Mures si am intalnit aici o audienta din ce in ce mai interactiva, vigilenta, si chiar agila. Subliniez...

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04 Dec 2017
in News, Summit Smart Alliance

Smart Alliance is driving the Romanian Innovation Train

Hotel Intercontinental București a fost, în data de 23 noiembrie, locul în care, pentru o zi, a staționat trenul inovației românești în IT, iar cei peste 450 de participanți au putut interacționa cu cele mai noi tehnologii dezvoltate de membrii Smart Alliance – Innovation Technology Cluster și Preffered Technology Partners. Reprezentanți ai mediul de afaceri, autorități, asociațiile de profil și mediul academic și-au dat întâlnire...

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24 Nov 2017
Antreprenorii din Mures si din judetele invecinate sunt invitati la conferinta care inchide seria Business rEvolution din acest an
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Antreprenorii din Mures si din judetele invecinate sunt invitati la conferinta care inchide seria Business rEvolution din acest an

Antreprenorii din Mures și din judetele invecinate sunt invitati sa participe marti, 28 noiembrie 2017, la Targu Mures, la evenimentul regional Digitalizarea – Trend sau Tsunami? – parte a proiectului national Business rEvolution 2017. Evenimentul se va desfasura la Hotel Privo, incepand cu ora 9.00. Agenda completa este disponibila in pagina evenimentului, din site-ul ,,Sunt studii care arata ca aproape jumatate din companiile existente...

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24 Nov 2017
Meet the CxO – Valentin Negroiu, CEO Digi-Soft
in Meet the CxO

Meet the CxO – Valentin Negroiu, CEO Digi-Soft

Valentin Negroiu is one of the youngest CEO’s of our cluster. Having only 35 years, his company delivers project for some of the biggest players in retail, among other industries and has a very positive and calm attitude. He is a man in a continuous search of balance and has a powerful vision that helps him to keep his cool in the most dire times....

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03 Nov 2017
Meet the CxO – Florian Simionescu, CEO Integrisoft
in Meet the CxO

Meet the CxO – Florian Simionescu, CEO Integrisoft

Florian Simionescu is a visionary man. Ever since he started to craft his software, he built around one idea that is now coming to life. A simple yet extremely intelligent man, that cares more about his employees than anything else. Is one of the few people that never talks with “I”, but “we”. A team player by nature, Florian and his team at Integrisoft managed...

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27 Oct 2017
Aghireșu City Hall Awarded at Gala 2017 for the implementation of an integrated software system.
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Aghireșu City Hall Awarded at Gala 2017 for the implementation of an integrated software system.

Aghireşu City Hall received the Excellence Award for the project “Public Service Delivery Improvement, Internal Framework and Processes Optimization through implementation of an integrated software system” in the “Best Practices for the Application of Modern Technologies in Administration” category. The prize was awarded at the 13th edition of’s Gala, which took place on October 12, 2017, at the Ramada Parc Hotel in Bucharest. The...

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24 Oct 2017
Meet the CxO – The Three Musketeers, Andrei, Matei & Alexandru, MPs at Adcentric
in Meet the CxO, News

Meet the CxO – The Three Musketeers, Andrei, Matei & Alexandru, MPs at Adcentric

How can three young entrepreneurs born in Bucharest can upgrade the game in helping a company building its image? We didn’t know the answer so we asked The Fantasy Fan (Andrei Popovici, 28 years old), The Philosophical One (Alexandru Cristian Verdeș, 28 years old) and The Science One (Matei Popa, 31 years old), managing partners at Adcentric what it means. Foolish and hungry, failures in...

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16 Oct 2017
Tremend, included for the second year consecutively in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE ranking of the most dynamic tech companies
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Tremend, included for the second year consecutively in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 CE ranking of the most dynamic tech companies

Bucharest, October 12, 2017   Tremend Software Consulting has been included, for the second year in a row, in the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe ranking of the most dynamic technology suppliers in the region. Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Central Europe ranks companies that report the fastest growth rate over a period of up to 4 years and contribute to the development of the...

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13 Oct 2017
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