Road to a profitable success. Smart eHUB and DIHELP Academy workshop on regional digitalisation
June 6th, Bucharest – The very stringent topic of region digitalization was on the agenda of a half of day workshop held by Smart eHub and DIHELP Academy in order to start the development of the first Digital Innovation Hub that address Bucharest–Ilfov and South-Muntenia regions. The purpose of the event was to ignite the catalyst between the consortium Smart eHub and various stakeholders by having a public consultation regarding the services and products the consortium should offer for the companies in need of a digital transformation.
The main reason this digital innovation hub came to life is to create a one-stop-shops that can provide end-to-end innovative ICT solutions that answer the direct needs of any organisation. In order to find out what these needs are according to each industry in our regions, the coordinators, Smart Alliance Innovation Technology Cluster, USH Pro Business & ELINCLUS Cluster and the two coaches from DIHELP ACADEMY, Olivier CHARTIER and Alexander VIGKOS, had an interactive session with the members of the consortium, representatives from the Ministry of European Funds and from Agency for Regional Development Bucharest – Ilfov and Agency for Regional Development South Muntenia.
“There is a lot of confusion between the significance of the terms digitization and digitalization. Gartner, Forbes and other authorized opinion leaders agree that there are at least three parallel processes. The most extensive semantic concept is the digital transformation in which the convergence of new technologies generates environmental, human, business and communication interactions. Smart eHub will, on one hand, contribute to growth the novelty of digital literacy through raising awareness and education as well as the development of the digitalization degree of the company and the companies through services that are most attractive and useful to the business environment in particular. But the most ambitious goal we are aiming for is the digital transformation of the development regions where we will act” said Dr. Costin Lianu, General Manager of USH Pro Business, vice-rector of Spiru Haret University and founding member of Smart eHub.
We discussed over the business model canvas in order to improve it and find the most successful combination of right ingredients for the development of a digital innovation hub to act as an enabler for organizations in search for business growth and profits increase. The feedback that was provided was highly positive, supporting the strategy that the hub coordinators had set for Smart eHub. At the same time, the participants came up with valuable suggestions for improvements of the business model.
“What impressed me the most is the high number of private companies and both the representatives of the government and the regional development agencies. I truly believe that is a great start for Smart eHub and we are really impressed by your capacity and expertise to deliver on your hub promises”. said Alexandros VIGKOS, Ecorys Specialist on Innovation.
” The foundation of Smart eHub is an important step in raising the economic competitiveness of the organizations in our region. The synergy created by having three separate entities is in fact the stepping stone on which any organization in these two regions can transform digitally. I truly believe Smart eHub represents a concrete answer in our regions to help organizations align to the trends of the digitalized society of the future” said Paul SVASTA
The goal of Smart eHUB is to work together with both public and private authorities to create a genuine agora of digitalisation and together to find the most innovative solutions to the most stringent problems identified in the latest Digital Economy and Society Index.
The coordinators of Smart eHUB intend to collaborate and work together with the main actors of our society such as: public authorities, universities, digitalisation partner associations, research institutes, software development companies, SMEs, etc, to find feasible solutions for a relevant impact in the Romanian economy.
If you want to learn more about the event or about Smart eHUB – Digital Innovation Hub, you can send an email to